Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Houston, TX

The next stop on our tour of Texas was a few days at my brother's house in Houston.  Unfortunately, he wasn't there, but we had a great time visiting with Julia and the kids.  I think everyone improved their ping pong skills over the course of many games played.  I borrowed Terry's road bike and took a little tour around town including the Bray's Bayou bike path.  It has been over a month since I've been on a road bike and it was nice to ride some easy rolling skinny tires for a change.

Here is the track from my Garmin.  I've had this GPS for a few years, but I am still amazed that a wristwatch can record my position, heart rate, and speed; and then download all the data to a server where the data is held for no charge.  It's a huge amount of technology to fit into a watch.

The elevation recording is not broken, Houston is just that flat.

Here is a link to the Garmin model I've been using:
Garmin 405

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